Bore Wells in Forest Animals
Narayanpet is the newly formed District of Telangana, Its status as district came in to force from 17.02.2019 onwards.
The geographical area of the District 2,336 Sq.KM /5,77,238 acres and Forest Area is only 84.619 Sq.KM/20,910 Acres with 5 (Five) Forest Blocks.
To support the Wild animals and Habitat improvement through Ground water recharge; the Forest Department taken certain initiatives which serves both the purposes.
The Forest area divided into grid with 2KMx2KM in protected areas (Sanctuaries, National Parks) and 4KMx4KM for Reserve forests for the development Water Harvesting structures with multiple usage; like they can serve for Water Harvesting and at the same time resource for wild animals.
So far Forest Department Developed 116 No’s of such Water Harvesting Structures (WHS) includes, Mini percolation Tanks, Farm Ponds and Check Dams.
Apart from these WHS natural chelamas also created for water provision of Wild Animals.
Artificial small water resources in the form of saucer pits, cement rings also available duly filling with water regularly with tankers during the summer season.
The WHS will have water in the rainy season but not in summer season. To address this, for every Mini Percolation tank or Percolation Tank we are erecting Solar Bore Well. As these WHS situated deep in the Forest and it is not possible to provide through regular electrical power, therefore to utilize the modern technology in a sustainable manner we are going for Solar Bore wells.
The cost of this Solar Bore well setup including cost of percolation Tank is around 9200 USD per Unit.
This is a continuous process every year, according to the availability of budget we are doing 3-4 No’s units if otherwise at least a simple a simple WHS without Solar Bore well. For Narayanpet Forests a minimum of 20-25 such units must be created for the benefit of Ground Water Recharge and to fulfil the Water requirement of Wild Animals in the Forest Areas itself.
So far it proved a successful model for sustainable Habitat improvement followed by entire State of Telangana.