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Millets Processing Unit

Home Millets Processing Unit

Millets for Nutrition

The Plan of the District Administration

The district administration have formed 11 farmers’ Production Groups (FPGs) to increase the production of the millets in the district for health and also to generate the income of the farmers through the management of supply in the market. Presently, the district administration planned to support the FPGs with the processing units to be available as a best competent supplier of the millets and also motivate the farmers to produce the millets to meet the demand in the market.

Benefits of the Project

  • Increase income sources
  • Increase Health & Nutrition Values
  • Government can buy the raw material for the children healthy snacks at Anganwadi centers
  • 7662 families get benefitted

Costs of the Project

  • 1 Millet Processing Unit cost estimated is 8000$
  • 11 Millet Processing Units cost estimated is 88000$
  • Per family the cost estimated is 11.5$