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Home Why RCLD

Evolution of RCLD

The Charter Member Rtn. Uday Pilani ( AKS ) felt there was a need to bring Business Heads/Chairman/CEOs of various large Companies in Hyderabad together on the Rotary platform and initiated the process to charter RCLD in 2020. RCLD received the Charter in January 2021 and started with 34 Charter members. The Members came together on accordance of their passion for service & enjoy good fellowships. RCLD is the first Rotary Club in the world to achieve Paul Harris Society recognition in the charter year. RCLD already has one Arch Klump Society Member and several major donors amongst its members.

The Club was chartered by Rotary International President ( 2022-23) Rtn. Shekhar Mehta. RCLD is the first one to start a Satellite Club, to build the younger group as members at the same time of the charter.